20 More Uses for Essential Oil

20 More Uses for Essential Oil


Looking for some clever ways to use essential oils? Here's a helpful tip: "Place a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto a small piece of terry cloth and toss into the clothes dryer while drying." You can find 19 more uses for essential oil in this article byMaria Nerius. From your skin to your living room, essential oils can help add a soft scent wherever you need it.Click here to see our first collection of 20 Uses for Essential Oils.

Essential Oil

  1. Place a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto a small piece of terry cloth and toss into the clothes dryer while drying.
  2. Add 5 drops essential oil to 1/4 cup fabric softener or water and place in the center cup of the wash.
  3. Potpourri, which has lost its scent, can be revived by adding a few drops of essential oil.
  4. Add a few drops of oil to water in a spray bottle and use as an air freshener.
  5. Add a few drops essential oil to a pan of water and simmer on stove or in potpourri pot.
  6. To enjoy a scented candle, place a drop or two of oil into the hot melted wax as the candle burns.
  7. To dispel household cooking odors, use a few drops of Clove oil in a simmering pan of water.
  8. For tired aching muscles or arthritis aches, mix 1 part Sage, 1 part Basil oil to 4 parts carrier oil to make a great massage oil.
  9. Ease headache pain by rubbing a drop of Rosemary or Lavender oil plus a drop of a carrier oil onto the back of your neck.
  10. To blend your own massage oil, add 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil to 1 oz. Jojoba or other skin-nourishing carrier oil.
  11. Add 10 drops of essential oil to a box of cornstarch or baking soda and mix very well by shaking. Let set for a day or two and then sprinkle over the carpets in your home. Let set for an hour or more, and then vacuum.
  12. To make a natural flea collar, saturate a short piece of cord or soft rope with Pennyroyal or Tea Tree oil, roll up in a handkerchief and tie loosely around the animal's neck.
  13. Remove odor shoes by dropping a few drops of Geranium essential oil directly into the shoes or by placing a cotton ball dabbed with a few drops of Lemon oil into the shoes.
  14. Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil on a cotton ball and place it in your vacuum cleaner bag. Lemon and Pine are nice. Rose Geranium helps with animal odor.
  15. To fragrance your kitchen cabinets and drawers, place a food scent dabbed on a cotton ball in an inconspicuous corner.
  16. Are mice a problem? Place several drops of Peppermint oil on cotton balls and place them at problem locations.
  17. The bathroom is easily scented by placing oil-scented cotton balls in inconspicuous place.
  18. Sprinkle or dab oils directly onto silk or dried flowers in arrangements or wreaths.
  19. Apply true Lavender oil and Tea tree oil directly to cuts, scrapes, or scratches. 1 or 2 drops will promote healing.
  20. Homemade sachets are more fragrant when essential oils are blended with the flowers and herbs.

Storing Essential Oils

When stored properly most essential oils will remain effective up to 2 years. If you change the original container always label the new container clearly. Containers should be dark glass bottles. Essential oils will break down any rubber that comes in contact with the oil so change the container if you purchase an oil with a rubber stopper. A few drops of Vitamin E will prolong shelf life of the essential oil.Keep oils in a cool place away from direct sun. Keep the oils way from flames or exposed heat sources. Essential oils are highly volatile. Keep oils out of the reach of children.

See Part 1 of this article:20 Uses for Essential Oil

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These are all very helpful. It's nice that you get to write about the use of essential oils for bad odors. I needed this so much.

Thank you for the information. I plan to start making candles and put my essential oils in them. I sell doTerra Essential Oils and just love them. They are theraputic and have have been so helpful to my husband and I. If I can be of help to any of you please e-mail me at mydoterra.com/EssentialOilsforthebody. Manager, Consultant



试着将你local natural food store, or amazon, some will be more expensive then others, but many are available for under $10

I agree...check your local health food store, such as Whole Foods or maybe even Trader Joes. Otherwise, you can always find oils like this online for purchase. Hope that helps!

i think these ideas are great!

fantastic ideas!!!

有一个石油赶走蜈蚣吗?我们得到the creepy, crawly things all year long!

That's a great question! I'd try researching that online. You can also check in with a gardening store and see if they have any advice for you.

OKis there an oil to help keep pesty cockroaches away

I'm sure there is! There's something for everything nowadays! I'd try doing some research online and see what other crafty folks have discovered...otherwise you can always check in with your local gardening store or even a farmer's market and see if you can gain any wisdom there. Good luck!

This is a great article. Thanks for posting!

is there an oil to help keep pesty cockroaches away


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