Crochet Coasters for Beginners

Crochet Coasters for Beginners

Crochet Coasters for Beginners
Crochet Coasters for Beginners

"Use up those leftover yarn balls to create a set of beautifully colorful crochet coasters. These are very easy to make and I have a video tutorial included! For these crochet coasters, I am using up a bunch of left over yarn balls to create colorful granny circles. You can quickly make a set of these coasters as a thoughtful handmade gift for a teacher, family or friend! I share the step by step tutorial to make these crochet coasters as well as some extra tips in the video!"

Difficulty Level容易

Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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ANOTHER WONDERFUL FIND. I HELP TEACH NEW COMERS TO CROCHET AND I AM ALWAYS LOOKING FOR BASIC, EASY PROJECTS FOR THEM. They need something that they can do that is easy so they will get a feeling of accomplishment and not be frustrated and give up. I think this is the one for that.


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