Stainless Steel Office Organizer

Stainless Steel Office Organizer

This unique mail organizer is easy to make and budget-friendly. Recycle old CD's to create a fun organizer for your office.

Stainless Steel Office Organizer


  • STYROFOAM™ Brand Foam:
    • Block: 4" x 12" x 2"
  • Recycled CDs, five
  • Specialty papers: silver textured; silver corrugated; silver mirrored tagboard**
  • Exacto® knife with new blade
  • 1" putty knife
  • Craft pins
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Straight edge
  • Thick, white craft glue

**Specialty papers available at


  1. Cut paper to cover the sides and top of a 4" x 12" x 2" block of STYROFOAM™ brand foam:
    a. Silver mirror tagboard, 4" x 12"
    b. Textured silver, (2) 2" x 12" and (2) 2" x 4"
  2. Spread a thin, even coat of glue onto one side of the block using a small putty knife. Adhere corresponding paper piece; if needed, secure corners with straight pins till dry. Trim away excess paper. Repeat to cover all four sides.
  3. Following Step 2, cover top with silver mirrored paper.
  4. Cut four ½" x 2" strips of corrugated paper; corrugated ribs should be vertical. Fold strips in half vertically and glue to the four vertical corners, covering edges.
  5. Using a pencil and straight edge, lightly mark five evenly spaced lines across the top of the block. Carefully cut slots in paper using Exacto knife.
  6. Carefully push a CD straight down into each slot about 1 ½" deep and remove. Lay a bead of white craft glue over the slot and replace each CD firmly. Let dry.

®™* Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow

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